Do you believe the sky is falling? Or do you see smooth sailing ahead?
What you choose to believe affects your mindset, your attitude, and your perspective.
Your mindset forms the basis of your life and is critical to unlocking your potential.
If you let negative thoughts consume you, you’ll be anxious, live fearfully, and think the worst. If you believe anything is possible, you’ll have a more optimistic outlook and be open to new possibilities.
Your mindset may have been formed at an early age based on the events of your childhood. If those events were positive, you’re more likely to believe in your potential. If they were negative, you may struggle to believe in yourself and the possibilities.
The good news is that your mindset is not fixed. You can change it whenever you like.
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Mindset
I’ve written about different mindsets before, but I’m revisiting this concept because it’s critical to your success and the ability to enjoy your life.
When you change your mindset, the way you view your life changes.
But as with most changes, getting started is typically the most challenging part.
To make room for new beliefs, you first must let go of the thoughts that no longer serve you.
Maybe you’ve reached a crossroads in your life. You’re searching for something more or something new, but you’re stuck by the story you tell yourself.
“I’m too old to change.”
“What if I try and fail?”
“I don’t have the time.”
The first step to changing your mindset is acknowledging the story you’ve been telling yourself.
Start by finding a quiet place. Ask yourself the following questions:
“Who am I?”
“What do I believe.”
Then, jot down the first things that come to mind. Don’t edit your thoughts. By committing your thoughts to paper, you’ve acknowledged their presence.
Review what you’ve written and decide if it’s what you want to believe for the rest of your life.
Will the thoughts help you succeed or hold you back?
If your story is based on limiting beliefs or fear, you just took the first step to change it! Congratulations!
Here are six more steps to help you change your story and life.
1. Identify what you want.
Before changing anything, you need to understand what you want. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never figure out how to get there. Be specific, and don’t limit yourself during this first step.
2. Set actionable goals.
Take the list of wants you created and turn them into actionable goals.
Goals help you provide a clear path and allow you to focus your energy and resources on what matters. They also help motivate you if you lose momentum and keep you accountable throughout the process.
If you want a new job, create a timeline to make it happen. Do you need additional experience? Can you begin making this change incrementally?
3. Visualize the life you want.
Once you’ve set your goals, use visualization to clarify what you want your life to look like.
When you see yourself living the life you want, you’re more likely to make it happen.
You may think visualization is a woo-woo new-age technique, but many successful people consider visualization a pivotal component of their success. When you visualize yourself achieving your goals and living the life you want, you begin to believe it’s possible.
And when you genuinely believe something is possible, it’s much easier to make it happen.
4. Be kind to yourself.
It’s easy to forget that making mistakes is part of learning, even if you’re learning to change your thoughts.
You will have setbacks. You won’t be a scratch golfer the first year you play. You may never be that good, but learn to recognize your progress and celebrate each step.
5. Take care of your body and mind.
Exercise, proper sleep, and a healthy diet are the basis for living well. A healthy body may be a no-brainer, but you also need a healthy mind to change your life.
Practicing mindfulness is one way to improve mental and emotional well-being. Being present lowers stress levels and increases one’s sense of calm. A mindfulness practice also teaches gratitude, which is an essential part of it.
If you haven’t yet added mindfulness to your daily routine, you may want to read about the different ways to become more mindful. I wrote about it in this past article.
6. Create a balanced life by setting boundaries.
Boundaries help create balance in your life, but it can be challenging to say no, especially if you feel you’re letting someone down or missing an opportunity.
It’s impossible to please everyone all the time, no matter how hard you try. When you set boundaries, you ensure your goals, hopes, and dreams remain in focus.
And when your life is balanced, you’re in a better position to make the necessary changes to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Thank you for being a part of The Power of Change, and welcome to the new subscribers who joined this past week. I’m grateful for your support and thrilled you’re here.
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Until next week, be mindful and stay safe.
xo Tracy
Whenever I strive to be a stoic, I remember the first step is to stop dreaming and take some action. But then I remember that actions begin with dreams. These were excellent methods for taking control and changing what's around you for the better through simple steps. I especially liked when you said to be kind to yourself, because in the end its the same self that will help you :) Thank you so much for sharing these excellent points!
Your thought & words help to keep me on track 🚂❤️