The date is a bit fluid right now 😔 out of my control, but hoping for this fall!

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As a writer, I hope that my characters embody characteristics through their words and actions that model resilience. Looking forward to using this lens to see if I’ve accomplished that in my upcoming novel! Thank you.

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I love that you are thinking about this perspective for your characters! Congrats on your upcoming novel. Do you have a release date? Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Frankl's purpose, really a very simple thing, helped me more than I can explain during grim days. Very grim. I think I have plenty of passion but not enough resilience.

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I'm glad you found what you needed when you needed it. The good news is resilience can be developed. I believe of the two components: passion and perserverance, passion is harder to develop than perserverance. There are many tools to develop perseverance. One that helped me was journaling, committing to what I needed to do by writing it down and visiting it every day.

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Those trainings were some time ago but I still think about resilience often. I find more over the years that cultivating joy strength or increasing joy capacity play a big role in resilience. I appreciate the work of neuro theologian Jim

Wilder and others. The book The Life Model: Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You is a valuable resource.

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Excellent work!! I am a huge fan of Victor Frankl and quoted him in my thesis for counseling school. I eventually taught courses for professionals on cultivating resilience and addressing compassion fatigue. You did a wonderful job writing this. Sometimes I thank God for the health struggles because I have insight into this kind of suffering. Finding purpose and meaning in the midst of hardships leads to redemptive work as our experiences then offer comfort and help to others.

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Thank you, Susan! I’d love to learn more about your work around cultivating resilience. Indeed, time and experience teach us so much.

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Aug 14Liked by Tracy Mansolillo

Powerful article! I think about these topics a lot, especially because I persevered a little too hard and burned out a few years ago. Lately, my efforts have centered on finding meaning. Meaning has helped me find more balance in life — and build resilience — because I'm focused on my overall values and pursuing meaningful goals that emanate from deeper core values. I loved the mindset section when you mentioned the gymnast journaled affirmations. I definitely want to work on my mindset and overall self-belief. I think in the past, I maybe didn't have as much resilience and compensated by overwork. For example, if I encountered disappointment, I'd double down rather than take time and space to process my feelings. My greater life lacked a sense of meaning, and I tried to fill that void by over-emphasizing my career, to the detriment of my health. But now, I'm working on a greater sense of wholeness and balance through finding meaning in other areas of life, which has come full circle and improved my resilience. Hope that makes sense. Obviously this great article struck a chord and reflects exactly what I've been pondering!

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Thanks, Susan for reading and sharing your experience. I appreciate hearing from others and understanding different perspectives. This all makes a lot of sense to me! Before I developed my illness, I over-emphasized my career and had little balance in my life. That all changed quickly, but my idea of resilience was nothing like it is today. I thought working hard and having an incredible work ethic 'counted'. Time teaches us so much. Developing a gratitude and meditation practice was a key part of changing my mindset and living in the present. It has carried me forward and through many challenges. I've written many times about mindset- you may enjoy some of those articles from the archive. I hope you keep pondering- being aware of our feelings is so important to becoming the people we are meant to be:)

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Traci, another great post. I appreciate how you also point out that resilience in not just about pushing through challenges and circumstances. That it's important to fine balance. Also, how you weave and explain the link between passion and perseverance and purpose. Brillant, thank you.

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Thank you, Paulette for your kind words and ongoing support. It’s very much appreciated!

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You’re welcome. Your writing and messages are important.

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Have faith. Be great. So simple but so powerful too.

Didn't know this story about the Olympic athlete. 👏 Wonderful

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