Sep 18Liked by Tracy Mansolillo

Creating the change you want is helped with a plan or at least an idea of what you want to design. You may have seen one of my earlier posts that relates to this topic:


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Absolutely. Sometimes it starts with a feeling that something is off or needed. From there it takes effort to uncover what that change may look like and how to develop a plan to get there. I’ve also written more in depth about that process.

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Interesting process that starts with defining needs and wants, then an assessment and peeling the onion to get to the core values and beliefs that can inform a good choice.

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I do think it is so important to make self care a habit. I'm currently learning this!

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Great, K.M. I learned the hard way in my 20s what happens when you neglect self care.

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Yes, I agree. It's a hard lesson.

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Enjoy your soak in the sun tomorrow, self care is more than important. Thank you for all the key note reminders ☺️🙏

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Thank you, Marjorie. I had a wonderful day of rest, sun and fun.

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Tracy, this was terrific - thank you. I’ve discovered recently that I’m burned out and need to change up how I’m spending myself (we say spending ‘my time’ but I like to say spending ‘myself’). Prioritizing self care really resonated with me. Also, I admire the way you set up this essay from the perspective of the conference you attended, the message you received there, and how well that fit your current circumstance. Well written!

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Thank you, James. I think we can all benefit from self care and noticing when we need to make changes.

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Nourishing my spirit has become front and center for me of recent. I had a slow-down, re-evaluate, pivot month... something wasn't right. In this I started finding my inner light and re-connecting in a deeper way with with my spirituality and it feels almost life changing. Wonderful article!

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Thanks, Melissa! So glad you realized something was right and took the time to slow down and pivot.

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Gratitude has been the biggest game changer for me, but I love all of these tips! Thank you for sharing Tracy!

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