Thanks for your inspiring and thoughtful article, Tracy. Amazingly, at age 73 I'm still diving deep into what's new, what I'm curious about, and what I'm celebrating! How blessed I feel to be enjoying another glorious Summer!

Cheers and thanks, Nancy

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Thanks for reading and commenting, Nancy and cheers to you for celebrating every year and stage of your life!

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Excellent article, Tracy. Your advice for the 50-year-old is right on point.

Since my sons are in their fifties, I consider them young adults. I never considered myself old at that age. Now, at 74, I realized I've aged, but I'm not old; I'm a member of the JOY group (Just Older Youth). Only 4 years ago, at 70 did I became an entrepreneur, and I'm enjoying every minute of my new life.

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Isabel thank you. I love the idea of the JOY group and congratulations on becoming an entrepreneur in your 70’s! You’re the perfect example of finding new paths and at an older, wiser age. Thank you for sharing. I’d love to know more about your path and business.

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I'm 55 and in some ways my life is just starting

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I love that, Jane. I felt the same when I hit 55.

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Especially considering that most people have another 30-50 year run (baring illness/accidents)

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Yes! Longevity runs in my family so I’m hoping to be here for awhile:))

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Great post, Tracy. I recently heard a short clip of Diane Von Furstenberg speak about aging. "Don't ask people how old are you? Instead ask, "How many years have you lived? Making age a sense of pride," she goes on. I love that attitude and it supports what you write.

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Love that attitude and perspective as well, Paulette!

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After my 50th birthday I decided to celebrate every day…. 🥳 been doing that for 12 years now

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And look at all you have done in those years!❤️

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This is a great list! I remind myself of #1 all the time. I fall into the trap of thinking that if something hasn't happened by a certain age, it never will, when that's not the case.

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Thanks Chris! It’s easy to give ourselves artificial timelines…. More important to remember that it’s never too late!

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I will be 50 next year, and 49 next month. I am feeling the energies of my upcoming Chiron return which means I will need to face any other unresolved trauma that I have not done so already. In other words, I know 50 will be a big change for my psyche too.

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I faced a similar time and while the transformational journey was difficult it made me who I am today.

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Life after 60 is even better, I've finally experiencing what it means to be content, not a word I would have used to describe myself in earlier decades.

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I love that, Morgan. Thank you for sharing!

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this is so good! I turned 50 this summer and hated the number. Your article is really encouraging.

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Thanks, Serena!

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Loved these thoughts. Inspired by elders, I am considering doing another bachelor's degree at 53, and I think it funny that at the ripe age of 30 the first time around, I thought I was old. I love learning so why not keep on learning.

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Love that attitude. I also considered another ( different degree) at 35 and thought I was too old!

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I am 48 and looking forward to my 50ies🤩 and beyond 🎊

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The reality of my aging has been a difficult concept for me to grasp. Inside I still feel like I'm 25. I'm a few years past 50 now and easing into being older gently. I've implemented all of the things you mentioned above in recent years and do find them helpful - I wish I had been doing them all along. I also find it helpful to turn to older women I know who are living their best lives, taking care of themselves, and showing us how it's done. My MIL is one of them at 81.

I found your Substack through Notes today. Congrats on 2 years!

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Thank you, Shelby!

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Like this as a newly annointed 50 year old this year. Definitely a time to reflect and also continue with life to the full (50 being just a number). I just subscribed for more.

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Absolute just a number! Great time to reflect and keep living fully.

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Loved reading every word of your motivational article! I'm navigating the unchartered journey of midlife and so far, I honestly feel like I'm starting a whole new life! A better life :)

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Thank you, Lori! I’m so glad it resonated with you and would love to hear your perspective on starting anew:)

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The end is only when you decide it’s the end ❤️

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How very true! Thanks for reading and commenting.

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